.gop Helps Republicans up Their “Game”
Since Howard Dean’s 2004 primary campaign first showed us the potential of online organizing, the political world has been taken over by technology designed to spread messages and organize supporters. This transformation has caused technology to go from a side-show within normal campaign operations to a mainstay of any operation worth its salt. The Obama reelection campaign, the gold standard of technology in politics, raised an astonishing $504 million through digitally generated donations. It also showed Republicans that our data and digital “game” needed improvement.
In 2011, the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) saw a unique opportunity to secure a key tool. Without fanfare or publicity, we sought, and obtained, the new web ending .gop. By getting .gop, we not only got a desirable (short) web ending, but also one that was instantly identifiable with our Party. In doing so we became the only political party worldwide to own and run its own web ending …
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